1.) My Wife who has been my biggest fan
2.) My Family who has supported me throughout my life
3.) Friends
4.) My Church and faith
5.) The determination, financial means, and understanding to manage my diabetes.
6.) My goofy cats
7.) Living in an age with so many great and interesting technilogical advances
8.) Being a citizen in the greatest country in the world (admittedly biassed opinion)
9.) Great neighbors
10.) Being considered one of the richest 3% of the world (literally, if your family makes more than $30,000/year, you are in this category too)
11.) My education which has enriched my life
12.) My job which gives me the flexibility to enjoy my life
13.) Just to be safe, my Wife again...she reads this thing :-)
What are you thankful for in your own life. It often helps to make a list.
Wondeful Moment of the Day: Having like 9 members of my family stay the week.
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