1.) Pay off remaining student loan debt. I didn't need to take out student loans for my MBA as my company was paying for it. You can actually see how I did it here. Instead, I used a little arbitrage to leverage the fact that they were federally subsidized loans. Essentially, the government pays the interest until I'm ready to start paying them back. So, I took out the loans, which aren't earning interest, was reimbursed my my company, and used all these funds to pay off my Wife's non-subsidized debt. So, for this year, I'll be paying off mine in one fell swoop when they are due sometime in June.
2.) Read and review at least 10 financially related books. I enjoy doing book reviews, and also benefit from the knowledge I gain. I'm hoping to review at least 10 this year.
3.) Max out our IRA contributions. Current contributions for 2013 are $5,500 per earning member of your family. I'm hoping to max these out this year. On a monthly basis, this works out to about $916, or you can do it all at once. I find that contributing monthly creates a more stable cash flow.
4.) Don't miss a day blogging. I've been posting stories and my own philosophy 3 days a week since June of this past year. I'm hoping to keep this up throughout 2013.
5.) Finish my book and self publish. I'm about 80 pages in and I've been putting it on the back burner. Time to dust it off and get to work!
5 seem like a pretty good number to me. I'm keeping it simple for now, and we'll see how I do.
Here's to a wonderful and prosperous New Year for you and your family!
Wonderful Moment of the Day: Neighbors got a new living room set, and asked us if we wanted their old love seat, so new couch!
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