Upon digging into the article and reading further, you'll find out that most people who graduate with an associates degree are trained in "skills" jobs such as medical equipment technicians, dental hygienists, etc... These middle skilled jobs have a relatively high starting salary, and there is also a need for these types of workers.
What struck me most was this paragraph in particular:
"Although these figures vary widely by profession, associate's degree recipients, on average, end up making about $500,000 more over their careers than people with only high school diplomas, but $500,000 less than people with bachelor's degrees, the Georgetown center calculates."
If you were wondering whether an associates degree is a better deal than a bachelor's degree, it still appears that those with bachelor degrees end up catching up to and surpassing those with an associates. Associates degrees are definitely a worthwhile degree to pursue, especially if you are trained in a particular skill, but the traditional 4 year bachelor's still remains on top.
Wonderful Moment of the Day: Having my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and their three kids drop bye for the weekend.
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